14 Feb 2007

2003 NABBA Universe

My Hard News column of late has become more of a “no-news” due to various circumstances, the pressures of constant travel, and 6 days a week training. However, all important events and news will be covered starting with England.
On 8th November, Bill Pearl gave a seminar and opened a new training facility in Bolton Lancashire, for the local soccer football club. They described Bill as the world’s leading authority on training and conditioning for sport. Earlier this year, Tina and I attended a special luncheon arranged by John Balik of Ironman magazine, honouring Bill. I informally videotaped this get-together of Bill’s friends and peers and plan to include it as part of a compilation DVD we will put together early next year offering all our footage on the great Bill Pearl.
Bill received the Ironman Lifetime achievement award at the Ironman Pro Invitational event the next day – see our video V-180 2003 Ironman Pro Invitational.
The NABBA Universe was an event Bill won 4 times during his career. This year’s Universe was held in Kidderminster, near Birmingham on October 11th. 120 competitors took part and it was the highest standard for some years.
Highlights included Joao Bispo de Andrade of Brazil beating Dayo Audi of UK by just 2 points in the Masters Over 40 years.
In the Masters over 50 class, it was an outstanding victory by Peter Andreas of Germany who now has the double of Over 40 and Over 50 Mr. Universe titles. Earl Maduro of Holland was a very high standard runner-up. Back in the late 80s we shot a gym workout with Peter Andreas and it is still a popular video today. See GMV-094: Peter Andreas – The Kaiser.
Australia’s Don Mahoney took a very well earned 6th place.
In the Junior Class 6 young stars of the future took to the stage. However, the young Russian Denis Nikiforov is already a star, winning this class easily with straight firsts. He displayed a maturity and density well beyond his years and could have placed in one of the Open Classes. Tim Rosiek of UK came in second and showed great potential and superb definition.
This year the class was down a bit in numbers, but the massive Brazilian Luiz de Jesus made up for this with an awesome physique and the best posing routine of the whole competition. Another mass monster was second in the form of England’s Jason Corrick.
This was the “Rolls Royce” class with Hassan Al Saka of Syria winning with his silky smooth physique, displaying perfect symmetry, incredible abs and the best overall condition of any man – amateur or professional. It was a richly deserved victory and as I expected he went on to take the overall title of Amateur Mr. Universe for 2003. Coming from a small country like Syria made his victory even more outstanding, as he does not enjoy the training conditions, supplements, diet and overall assistance which is taken for granted by most bodybuilders in USA for example.
Steve Sinton of UK showed good improvement in taking 2nd in the class, with the extremely impressive Edson Prado of Brazil in 3rd place.
I was a little hard on Edson last year, but he showed nice improvement and was in my opinion most unlucky not to place second.
Geoff Hargreaves of UK took this class from Gerson Guimaraes of Brazil in a tight battle. Both men were in very good shape, with Spain’s Jose Acosta, 3rd. Acosta seemed to have missed his peak as he is a former Universe class winner.
The tall guys turned it on this year with the huge ripped South African Andre Van Der Mescht being a clear winner. He had the type of physique you see in many Pro Grand Prix contests and can probably win the overall Amateur Universe if he chooses to come back next year.
Second was the very symmetrical physique of Gino Barrios of Holland. Gino improves each year and is destined for greatness.
In this class 5 professionals, plus Hassan Al Saka as overall Amateur Mr. Universe battled it out for the Pro-am title.
It seemed to be a battle between last year’s winner from the UK, Gary Lister, Sergei Ogorodnikov of Russia, Hassan Al Saka and Boris Kleine of Germany. This is how the judges also saw it as the 4 guys finished in that order.
I trained in Boris’ gym in Germany in June and it was good to see him in his first NABBA Universe. He has a fantastic upper body and probably the best arms in the whole competition. If he gets his total package right and hits his best condition on the big day, he will win this title without a doubt.
FIGURE CLASS 2It was a stunning victory for Brazil as Flavia Crisostomo took first place from Nanda Gunneweg of Holland Both women were shredded and both performed very sexy routines. Lisa Mann of UK came in 3rd place.
There is no stopping the magnificent Cherie Loomes of South Africa as she not only won her class, she made it a double, taking overall Figure Miss Universe, same as she took overall at the NABBA Worlds this year. She has the perfect balance of symmetry, definition, lean muscle mass and the special star quality from the moment she steps out on stage. Cherie’s posing routine was also superb, so she had the complete package.
Second was Claudia Casalini of Italy. Her physique was also exceptional and she was in the best condition of her life. I liked her posing style as it was a little different,. I am sure she will win this class if she persists.
The clear winner was Olga Tikhonova of Russia. I recall she won this class several years ago (in 2000). This year she was better than ever with a full yet well defined physique and very nice posing routine to display it to the best advantage.
Runner-up was Ingrid Distler of Germany. Ingrid was in excellent condition although smaller than Olga. In 3rd place was the very consistent Desireé Dümpel of Holland. Desireé had the best legs in this class, edging out Maryse Manios of France.
This was another title for Brazil with Luciane Silva performing a sensational routine which ranked with the best fitness routines I have ever seen. Her body was also tight and athletic and she had too many guns for runner-up Inna Bykovska of Ukraine.
For a full set of results see out Results Section.
The videos are now edited and will be up on our site as soon as we receive the photos and get the covers made. All three releases will be available on VHS and DVD.

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